Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fatal Axis

it’s all decided on an axis of fate, it wobbles in its orbit around what is casually know as "our lives" which in reality is a well orchestrated pension plan for many men in high places, watching over us with the strings to everything in their hands we have to cut those string even if it means some of us are hung by them if we don’t then they will surely strangle us all instead of just the few redemption is my only option now we all have a dept to pay and I’m so scared mine is more than I can cover I have other peoples hurt in my hands, I’ve tainted to many souls and will have to pay dearly for every one nothing will make sense if my dreams don’t come but so often the dreams turn cold and un yielding to the cruelty of reality because of these twists I ask of them forgiveness I get only the deafening silence of my tortured screams as I wake in a pool of my own sweat and tears

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