I try to talk about
positive growth, strength, and truth, but the truth is that I don't know. I want to believe in better for us. I want to believe that we can be more and
obtain greater that we are, but sometimes it seems that that can't be. It seems that we can't rise above the natures
of what we are, the animalistic base of our existence. So what do I do?
How do I look you in
the eyes and tell you that tomorrow can be better than today and not feel the
metallic taste of doubt in my own mouth? How do I breathe life into the child of myself
and not feel anything but fear that I've handed a broken and un-repairable life
to this person, this generation of future possibilities, this beginning of ends
and ends of beginnings?
How do I look at the youth
of tomorrow and say to them that it's okay, that you can become more than what I
was and what we were.
That the life in the
universe itself will bow to your will if you let it. If you just hold it gently
in your open palms, you don’t need to grasp in in your clenched hand. The gentler
you are with it the more it will yield to you, but the harder your fists and
the harder your heart the more it will deflect, the more it will push you away,
push you back.
So hold it not with
your teeth but with your arms. Don't treat it harshly. Treat it kindly. Kill it with kindness as the words that I been
told my whole life and I don't know how to put into place. But I hear them in everything that I do. In the
back of my mind with everything that I can say, and see, taste, and touch. I hear kill it with kindness. Gentle be gentle, because that's what will
bring you into the future.
You rise up against
the forces of what are with violence and hatred, and fear and
ignorance, but those are the tools that have been used for decades, centuries,
and millennium to beat you down into what you are today. And so you cannot
fight violence with violence you cannot ultimately win the battles that are
before you if you stand up with fists clenched. Power corrupts and evil ways
are familiar with evil tactics.
The cold, lost, and
damned know how to use wars and people and guns and fists and knives. They know how to manipulate the mind with
fear and hurt. They know how to control
you with acts of evil and hatred. They
keep you tied with greed and desire and so the only way to free yourself and us
is to combat it with true knowledge and understanding.
You can defeat them by letting go of your desire to stand above your own humanity. Stand peaceful for true equality. They can’t understand sacrificing for the greater good. To give yourself selflessly so that others may make progress. They can never understand giving when they only know how to take.
A creature of dark
cannot abide the light. Darkness is not a true and tangible thing. It is merely
the absence of light. Just as cold is the absence of heat. Fill your world with
light and you shall stand for each and every breath that another has had taken
from them. Create warmth in your world and together you shall ignite the fires
of the entire universe. You can triumph
through peace and understanding, through acceptance and love.
Hold yourselves up to
that mirror and look not into their eyes, but into your own. See what comes
back. See what stares you down. Can you face what your fear is? Can you face yourself? Can you face the unknown? And only then, and then alone, can you stand
and be triumphant in the battles. You
can tear down days and weeks and hours and years of oppression. You can tear down the walls of imagination
itself if you can be peaceful in your own mind and heart. But you must be willing to stand, that is the
first step. If all that you do is lay
down then all you can be is stepped on, trampled over.
That’s what they do. They keep you complacent with drugs, and money,
greed, sex, lies and videotapes. They
keep it hateful and hurtful and watchful and resentful. They keep you chained in
shackles, imaginary cages, and fake bonds of illusion. The jails of your own
mind have cells of ignorance and doubt.
They make you believe their power is above yours. When the truth stands that yours is above them.
They rely on you, you don't rely on them.
Allow not your oppressors to hold you
against your will and to force you into the corners of doubt.
I know that it will
be hard. I know that blood will be soiled. Hopefully with peace and
understanding that becomes less and less.
Hopes are that the rivers of blood can turn to a stream and then a
trickle to a drop. That is all that I can give you, all that I can take. It is
everything inside and everything that will break in your minds and my hearts. The bones and the wills, the weak and the
strong and in the end it will be dust. Dust will it become. From it we were raised, not just the dust of
the earth, but from the dust of the cosmos. The very bonding agents of the
universe itself are what created us.
Death and rebirth.
Life and death.
The cycle of eternity.
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